Gateway Logo

If you've ever used a Gateway computer chances are you've already been using software created by BillP Studios!

In the spring of 1996, Gateway took the industry lead in building a truly convergence system called the Gateway Destination PC.  All the hardware pieces were coming into place including a low cost 31"-36" monitor. To meet their special software needs they came to BillP Studios to develop a custom keyboard interface.

Since that time the relationship between Gateway and BillP Studios has been responsible for many innovative convergent projects. The following are just some of the products developed by BillP Studios for your Gateway computer.

Multi-function Keyboard

GWHotKey Icon Multi-function Keyboard

Multimedia System Software and the GWHotKey Control Panel application for Gateway's Multi-function Keyboard are currently standard equipment on Gateway multimedia desktop and laptop computers. This application controls all the extra keys you see on the top of the keyboard, including the green or transparent bars you'll see displayed when you change the volume. The CD/DVD controls have been expanded to control most of the popular CD Players, DVD Players and even most of the popular MP3 applications.
Download version 6.5

GW Ink Monitor Icon Gateway Ink Monitor

Created in 2003 for Gateway customers, the Gateway Ink Monitor provides an early warning for customers so they don't run out of ink in the middle of an important project.

Gateway Astro   Astro Video Tour

Solo Video Tour icon   Solo 3100 Video Tour

Forget those paper manuals when you can sit back and enjoy the crisp informative videos on your new Gateway Solo and the affordable Gateway Astro. Designed for simple scripting our custom video player is destined to show up on many new Gateway machines.

Online Manual IconOnline Component Manuals
Included with most new Gateway systems in both the US and Japan our program will detect and identify which manuals are appropriate for the customers new system and will allow the user to install them on their hard drive.

Destination big screen PC/TV

Gateway Destination

Multimedia System Software for DestinationÒ Digital Media Computer. Our software provides user friendly interfaces to make the PC as convenient to use as any television set. Integrated into new Destinations is our patented Game Finder technology that create an easy user interface even when computing from across the living room.

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